I am not a morning person. I have no problem getting up on time, but I require certain specific arrangements and a strict routine each morning to avoid aggravation. I require the near complete absence of light. I need just enough to turn on the television. That's why I love fall and winter; the sun doesn't rise until I am leaving the house. Anyway, I was not feeling terrifically creative this morning, and today is a Saturday...so I decided to find out what's on TV at this hour. (which mind you is noon....and yes, I have breakfast at noon on Saturdays)
I flipped to TBS. It was the Saved by the Bell where Zack sets it up so Slater gets caught joyriding in the driver's ed. car but Kelly is implicated and Zack has to take the blame or else driver's ed. will be cancelled by Belding and he fears Kelly will leave him for Slater because he has to take an F and retake the class next year but she is touched by his martyrdom and stays by his side.
Oh how I loooooooved Saved By the Bell in the 90's.
How could you not love this face:

Anyways, I reminisced for a while then got on with my day of lounging...
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