Green = Been there, done that.
Blue = Intend to go there this year.
Yellow = Intend to go there before I die.
Red = Happy never to set foot there in my whole life.

Green: US of A, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, England, Ireland, Senegal, South Africa.
Blue: Sadly, no countries make this list, unless you count the US. I would like to say that I will be going to China or Romania next year, but I just don't think I can swing it...not yet
Yellow: Germany (because of my heritage), Scotland, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Romania, Switzerland...Actually, you might as well include all of Europe, but the aforementioned places are the only essential ones. China, Japan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, India, Czech Republic, Israel, Moracco, Egypt, Kenya, Congo, Russia, Brazil, Chile. Definitely Cuba, and I might as well throw in some other Caribbean island. You go ahead and pick one, they all seem the same to me.
Red: This list isn't very long. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TRAVELING, so there aren't many place I don't want to see. However, I will definitely never see: anywhere in the Middle East (with the exception of Egypt, Isreal and Dubai) or the middle of Asia (ie Mongolia, etc).
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