"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, July 31, 2008

"breaking dawn"

New phenomenon (well I guess not BRAND new), but new in my life, is the "twilight saga". I have been enthralled for the past week by this series and cannot get enough of Edward >sigh<.

After much anticipation the final installment, fourth book "Breaking Dawn" will be released Saturday August 2nd.

...I think I'm in love with a vampire...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Harrismith, South Africa

Hey everyone,
As promised...here are some pics from Africa!
I'll have more up when I get home!

Base in Harrismith ("Harry - smith")


Team on day one
(it's so beautiful here!)

Village of Qwa Qwa

Mount Everst Game Reserve

Beautiful village children!

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hello HELLO from Africa!!
I finally stole a minute to use the internet here in the middle of God's creation!!
I so wanted to post a few pictures for you all to see...but the computer if circa 1980 or something...

ANYWAYS! It is AH-MA-ZING here! I arrived in Joberg (Johannasberg) on Thursday evening (Thursday morning in the states) and have been running ever since! I can't believe that I'm here....today finally sunk in for me.

I am about to run to dinner (yes it is night here).

More to come...
