"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, August 05, 2007

"beautiful disaster....."

I was driving home tonight and the windows were down and the music was so loud and I was happy.

I was happy and things were fine and I was going home because Grey's Anatomy doesn't just watch itself.

I was fine with life the way it was, really. I was happy. And then the radio said I could be Caller Twenty and I could win tickets to 311. I can admit that Creatures and Down are practically the same song. I can admit that I bought a few of their albums and don't ever actually listen to them because, really, it's all the same.

But I still would love to see them in concert. And I would still love to win tickets on the radio. A couple weekends ago they were giving away Dave Matthews tickets and I actually listened to a different radio station because I couldn't handle the disappointment.

But it was such a surprise tonight and it was late enough that I knew I had a chance so I dialed real quick like and the phone! it was ringing! RINGING! Aside from that one other blog-worthy time I've always gotten a busy signal. But not tonight.

My spirits rose, my heart rate quickened, and I counted the rings. After four I panicked and thought I had dialed the wrong number. I looked at my phone, psyched myself out, and hung up. I redialed and IT WAS BUSY.


Of course, I hadn't dialed incorrectly. The ringing was because I was actually going to get through. I could have had it. I could have been Caller Twenty.

But no. I had to be stupid and hang up. Awesome.

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