"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


24 things I have learned within the past 23 years:

1. Never say never when it comes to: God, guys, and Guiness. You’ll always be proven wrong. Period.

2. Don’t make fun of those of the same sex. One day you will (or have) cry at a movie, lay in a tanning bed, gossip, walk down the isle (and be pretty darn excited about it), and be emotional. And yes, God has a good sense of humor, that’s why He made you a woman.

3. Comics are cool. No matter what anyone says.

4. Your dad is not perfect.

5. Your mom is not perfect.

6. YOU are not perfect.

7. Its more about quality than quantity...esp. when it comes to friends, dates, shoes, books, and yoga classes.

8. Yoga is hard.

9. Santa is not real. Shoot.

10. Prussian blue oil paint makes you speechless.

11. gasp! You like your curves!!! Who knew?!?!

12. Its ok to be alone...

13. Don’t put air in your tire thinking that “I’ll just visually estimate how much” is good enough. Gauages are good. Use them.

14. Forming an emotional attachment to an animal, such as a cat, and naming it after a bird in another language is not exactly normal. It's ok. Someone will understand.

15. The main artery (or is it a vein…) of a blue whale is so large that the child of the average age 3-4 could crawl through it.

16. You will strangely go from hating something to loving it, this includes sparkling/carbonated water, black licorice, tomatos, deep/bright pink, beer, opera music...

17. 2+2 does NOT equal 5... unless it’s a Radiohead song. (you’ve always been bad at math.)

18. Its not good to cook with your usual metal utensils. It makes them turn from shiny to a dull gray color within a slow period of time.

19. Home Shopping Network sucks.

20. Turkey bacon is awesome…but bacon cooked by a Brubaker is even more awesome.

21. Art does exist in ministry.

22. You pretty much look the same as you did when you were five. A lot of people have told you this. Deal with it. And yes, you still get carded.

23. Too much of something is usually not a good thing...this includes celery, green tea, and soy sauce.

24. Love is a verb, not a feeling. You found that Christ knew a lot about this.

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