"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, May 21, 2007

monday? question day!

Tara asked me some questions.....here are some answers.

1) If you could have tickets to any concert this summer, who would you see? and who would you take?

Kings of Leon at the Roseland Ballroom (NYC) - 6/5/07
-Assuming I could pick any seats I wanted and have prime-o parking. I’ve dreamed about Kings of Leon since Aaron and I saw them at Martini Ranch in Scottsdale.

Since I have no man as of yet...I’ll be holding auditions for the role of My Date. :)

Recommendations to auditionees:

-An enthusiastic love of all things Leon is highly valued.

-At least learn a lot of songs.

-Don’t waste my time.

-Be cute.

And a little P.S. to My Date: tickets are still available. This is absolutely crazy.

2) What topic of discussion bores you more quickly than any others?

Oh, so very many. First of all, politics is usually boring because the people talk about it think they are The Shit and they're all, "ooo, ooo, epistemically blah blah blah."

Secondly, I get totally bored when people tell really, really, really, long versions of any romantic stories. Or stories about their kids. Honestly, long stories in general annoy me. Yes, yes, I'm a hypocrite.

Thirdly, when I start freaking out about something and can't stop talking. It annoys me so much and yet I keep hearing words coming out of my mouth. And my wonderful friends just sit there and roll their eyes and let me talk.

3) If you could be the spokesperson for any product on the market (which means you'd get all the freebies you could handle), which product would you represent?

Apple Computers, I think. See, I love all their products and they could also get me discounts for other products that aren't theirs. And their commercials are funny--I could totally be all, "I'm a Mac. And I'm a PC." right? Oh, and, since I'm not really into the iPod thing, I could sell them all shady-like in exchange for goods and services. They should totally hire me.

4) If you were given unlimited money and the necessary technology to invent anything you desired, what would you invent?

Unlimited money makes me nervous. It reminds me of communism.

5) Are you ever going to put the lovers back together?

If I answered that it would ruin all my writerly mystique. I will say that they are not done yet, simply on hiatus, and while they've been off air they have been working some things out. But they asked me to not say any more about that. Cross your fingers!

Bonus stats:
8 Times I used the word "all" above
21+ The amount of times per day I use Google at least five days a week (data courtesy of Google Web History)
34 Searches today
52 Searches yesterday
3 Days it has taken me (so far) to get through all the dishes from Saturday night.

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