I have a little confession.
I am horrible about letting people help me.
I like it when people help me...I've gotten better/more comfortable with it...but i have this horrible habit of thinking, "I can do it ALL by myself"
Back in the day of Masters, they would send volunteers to me to help with the arts/responsive worship/prayer space, etc..which these volunteers would eventually know that I'd "get in the zone" and wouldn't be a very good deligator. Or I wanted it done "just so".
I always ended up deligating them to OTHER people.
I know. Horrible.
I'm not sure where this "I can do it all by myself" thing comes from. Is it a youngest child thing?(tring to be as big as everyone else?)...a fear of inconveniencing other people?...a sense of control?...hummm....
I'm learning to really put my hands up and let God move more, in addition to those around me. I think that it is a detriment at times to not have confidence in others and to always do it yourself because of fear that it won't turn out the way YOU want it to. I think constantly having this form of control sometimes keeps other people from growing, whether its in ministry or just daily life--and maybe causes a person to rely too much on their own human capabilities instead of letting God meddle (and let others meddle and help)...
Sometimes we also want to distinguish what we do, and how it is part of who we are. Sometimes we get uncomfortable with the possibility of losing that. We don't want someone else to have our job, because we're just so darn good at it.
Thats just silly.
This is something else I"m learning. As I prepare to leave in (average) two months...I'm having to face the fact that I will not be here, at home, to do what I have been doing for the past two years. I'm excited to move....actually...extremely excited...but I'm already worrying about who will take care of my mom, and if they will even be as good. Here comes in that sense of "I can do it all by myself".
Letting God move is hard. Trusting God is hard. And, sometimes realizing that I CAN'T do it all by myself is ok...
"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
5 things...
5 things I dig about Jesus...
1. Totally Human
We hear a lot about Jesus being totally God, and I believe that. But what I love is that he became totally human, and a totally poor and marginalized one at that... meaning that he experienced the same kind of crap the most desperate sufferer goes through. He's a God who not only cares about our suffering, but He truly understands it.
2. Unconditional Love
Jesus loved everyone... even when he was chasing them out of the temple with a whip. He loved 'em so much that one of the last things he says on the cross is, "Father, forgive them!" Amazing.
3. Uncompromising Truth
Jesus said it plainly... it's hard for self-serving people to enter the kingdom of God. Narrow path, small gate, few are those who find it. His message was simple and clear, repent to be spiritually born again and follow me into my kingdom... the kingdom of God. A lot of people couldn't swallow his challenge. A lot still can't. And while his heart and ours breaks for them, the truth remains the absolute standard by which we are all judged. That's fierce; and I love it.
4. He Called Losers and Outcasts ... Like Me
While other rabbis were picking and choosing the best of the best who would apply to be their disciples, Jesus was choosing fishermen, tax-collectors, and other dropouts to be his. Those are the ones he used to change the world and still does. I have the memory of a hampster and the self-discipline of a wet noodle; and yet I get to join Jesus' band of disciples... his Talmidim. He believes in us losers and he redefines our self-understanding to embrace the glory he created and restored in us. Awesome.
5. He Died For Us
Seriously, how can you not love an innocent person who loves you so much that they give everything, including their own life, so save your butt? I honestly cannot understand how we can look at the cross and not love Jesus. Who else would go through all that for us?
1. Totally Human
We hear a lot about Jesus being totally God, and I believe that. But what I love is that he became totally human, and a totally poor and marginalized one at that... meaning that he experienced the same kind of crap the most desperate sufferer goes through. He's a God who not only cares about our suffering, but He truly understands it.
2. Unconditional Love
Jesus loved everyone... even when he was chasing them out of the temple with a whip. He loved 'em so much that one of the last things he says on the cross is, "Father, forgive them!" Amazing.
3. Uncompromising Truth
Jesus said it plainly... it's hard for self-serving people to enter the kingdom of God. Narrow path, small gate, few are those who find it. His message was simple and clear, repent to be spiritually born again and follow me into my kingdom... the kingdom of God. A lot of people couldn't swallow his challenge. A lot still can't. And while his heart and ours breaks for them, the truth remains the absolute standard by which we are all judged. That's fierce; and I love it.
4. He Called Losers and Outcasts ... Like Me
While other rabbis were picking and choosing the best of the best who would apply to be their disciples, Jesus was choosing fishermen, tax-collectors, and other dropouts to be his. Those are the ones he used to change the world and still does. I have the memory of a hampster and the self-discipline of a wet noodle; and yet I get to join Jesus' band of disciples... his Talmidim. He believes in us losers and he redefines our self-understanding to embrace the glory he created and restored in us. Awesome.
5. He Died For Us
Seriously, how can you not love an innocent person who loves you so much that they give everything, including their own life, so save your butt? I honestly cannot understand how we can look at the cross and not love Jesus. Who else would go through all that for us?
Monday, June 25, 2007
Fashion Critic: "Don't Wear Your Crocs in Public"
George W. Bush was photographed recently in a pair of black Crocs – as he was heading out from the White House to ride his bike. He wore the clunky resin clogs -- which have ventilation holes and a heel strap --.He had the backstraps of his Crocs flipped forward so they rested on the top of the shoes -- turning them into slides.
Sure I love wearing mine while baking and occasionally will run in them to walmart for more sugar/eggs/flour (whatever)...But wear them while at home and in your garden, but please don't go out and about with them on! That's how I feel about this "most annoyingly omnipresent style of summer footwear." (quote from me)
Thursday, June 21, 2007
St. Jude
Patron Saint of lost Causes.

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
-St. Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood, as to understand;
to be loved, as to love;
for it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to Eternal Life.
-St. Francis of Assisi
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
a different perspective
“This is an emergency - normal rules don’t apply. There are no easy good or bad guys. Do you think an African mother cares if the drugs keeping her child alive are thanks to an iPod or a church plate? Or a Democrat or a Republican? I don’t think that mother gives a damn about where that 20-cent pill comes from, so why should we. It can lead to some uncomfortable bedfellows, but sometimes less sleep means you are more awake.”
- Bono on Africa from the current issue of Vanity Fair
- Bono on Africa from the current issue of Vanity Fair
Sunday, June 17, 2007
father's day
Friday, June 15, 2007
complaining about the weather
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
every woman's dream.....
...a wedding at Wal-Mart.
BENTONVILLE, Ark. - Wedding on aisle 7.
Wal-Mart is giving seven lucky couples wedding packages worth more than five-thousand dollars, including rings, wedding cakes invitations and flowers and other related items.
The nuptials will take place in the lawn and garden sections of the couple's local Wal-Mart Supercenters. The couples are to tie the knot in ceremonies all on July Seventh.

Read more about this here.
BENTONVILLE, Ark. - Wedding on aisle 7.
Wal-Mart is giving seven lucky couples wedding packages worth more than five-thousand dollars, including rings, wedding cakes invitations and flowers and other related items.
The nuptials will take place in the lawn and garden sections of the couple's local Wal-Mart Supercenters. The couples are to tie the knot in ceremonies all on July Seventh.

Read more about this here.
So, ususally its when the day has wrapped up, I sorta do a prayer walk thing- or zone out and listen to the ipod- or daydream- or try to unwrap some thoughts.
Well, on this day (a few days ago) for some reason I was faced with a question that re-surfaced after a conversation with a friend...and there was this word that was REALLY getting under my skin.
I thought,
????????????????????????????? "Do I have a submission complex?" ??????????????????????????????????
No really.
Do I?????
It took me a while to unravel my thoughts, and I will be honest with you and say that it took quite some debating.
I think that the word "submission" has been something that I've struggled with (a lot) in the past, even to the point that I saw it as a weakness.
I always thought that submissive ment passive...therefore passive not being pro-active...which would lead to laziness and a weak dependancy. I'm not sure if this part has to do with growing up the way I did, because I've never really had to be submissive (even in a role as a daughter)...so clearly...if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself.
This also meant that growing up as a young woman, the act of making a big life decisions were never dependant or trusted in a man- and the reason why I say this, is because that was my own life experience. If you are a young woman who learns that you can't generally depend on men, then, simply you don't.
You learn how to manage without. (and for years you will logically defend why.)
But, I'm not saying that this is the route I'm taking as a woman as i continue to grow...because...
Later in young adulthood, I developed some relationships (non-romantic) with a couple Godly men. Either friendships, a mentor, or someone I considered myself a disciple of. I found that these men opened my eyes a little bit as to what a REAL man looks like internally.
I'm not so much talking about Gender roles (as in if he knows how to work an automatic drill or something)- but as a man, what it means to be a GODLY man.
And, what would mean to trust and willingly follow one.
One thing I noticed about these Godly men, was that they were submissive towards God.
If they were faced with a delimma (or opportunity, or decision, or....), they went to God first, and maybe would get on their knees, patiently listen, or in their own way...seek counsel from God and others. A man getting on his knees and bowing actually (when we're speaking of spiritual posture) seems like a submissive position. I remember reading that "the custom of kneeling and bowing one's head in prayer is strengthened by the imagery of a person approaching a king to make a request. When doing this in prayer, the subject puts himself at the mercy of the King by exposing his neck, an act which shows his complete vulnerability to the Sovereign's power" (taken from Doug Pagitt)...
And so I was realizing that men I truly respect are truly after God's agenda, and not their own.
They are men who trust God, even when things are NOT making sense right at the moment.
They are men who are even willing to seek advice and counsel of an older (or maybe even younger) and wiser (or maybe more experienced) Godly man...even if it means being submissive to stop and listen, because they know they still have a lot to learn, and that they don't have all the answers.
They are men who seek out the wisdom of their wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters.
And so, then the next element of this is TRUST.
A real man trusts God with his life.
simple yet complicated...i know. but its true. its hard, but its true.
One of my friends explained something, that if he were to have confidence and trust in a Godly person, knowing that the person he were to follow was truly on a solid walk with Christ, he would be willing to follow that person off a cliff.
I know that "walking off a cliff" may sound a little suicidal...and I'm more than positive that he didn't mean it in that sense...but that under any circumstance, he is genuinely willing to FOLLOW a person who is truely with wisdom, maturity, and walking with the Lord.
I'm sure that Moses' wife thought he was insane at times...because that man did some pretty insane/awesome/Godly things. But, in the bible we don't see her telling him, "wait, no, you know what? this whole parting the Red Sea sounds pretty impossible...put that staff away..."
And so this is where being a woman comes in.
As I continued on my walk, I re-surfaced many conversations I've had about the word "submissive". I remember one of my christian friends tried to explain to me that submission is not a weakness. She was married, and did her best to explain, and I listened, but I still didn't get it then.
I've been to more weddings that I can count...and I've heard the whole "christ is the head of the church as a husband is the... (you know the rest.)
I still didn't get it.
I didn't want to.
I didn't want to be that little christian-passive-"wifey" type that I stereotyped and complied in the back of my own mind.
I even remember in past relationships, seeking freedom internally and independently, making sure that i could stay a free-spirited woman...and at times I still felt like a caged bird wanting to fly away. So thats when I called ALL the shots.
I didn't want to be lead.
I didn't have a problem with committment...but...I just really didn't want to be told what to do or to really trust in another person that fully...and in a way, I was like my own little wild banshee.
I now realize, that a mature relationship isn't a matter of confinement, but in that Christ HE the one who sets US free, encourages US to live freely in HIM...and that in a healthy relationship (like one with Christ) there is more freedom than imaginable.
That in a true Christ-driven dynamic relationship, there isn't this complex about submission.
That I can still be a free-spirited woman...and still be who Christ designed me to be, but that doesn't mean not submitting.
It really shouldn't be an issue.
And so I honestly realized something.
I WANT to be LEAD by a Godly man.
And that submission is actually a STRENGTH and confidence in TRUSTing a man who truely seeks, trusts, and follows Christ with his life...and thats why it was designed for a relationship (that we call marriage).
For some reason...it's taken me 23 years for this little lightbulb to go on...which makes me think...what else will long walks and good conversations with friends bring up?...
Well, on this day (a few days ago) for some reason I was faced with a question that re-surfaced after a conversation with a friend...and there was this word that was REALLY getting under my skin.
I thought,
????????????????????????????? "Do I have a submission complex?" ??????????????????????????????????
No really.
Do I?????
It took me a while to unravel my thoughts, and I will be honest with you and say that it took quite some debating.
I think that the word "submission" has been something that I've struggled with (a lot) in the past, even to the point that I saw it as a weakness.
I always thought that submissive ment passive...therefore passive not being pro-active...which would lead to laziness and a weak dependancy. I'm not sure if this part has to do with growing up the way I did, because I've never really had to be submissive (even in a role as a daughter)...so clearly...if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself.
This also meant that growing up as a young woman, the act of making a big life decisions were never dependant or trusted in a man- and the reason why I say this, is because that was my own life experience. If you are a young woman who learns that you can't generally depend on men, then, simply you don't.
You learn how to manage without. (and for years you will logically defend why.)
But, I'm not saying that this is the route I'm taking as a woman as i continue to grow...because...
Later in young adulthood, I developed some relationships (non-romantic) with a couple Godly men. Either friendships, a mentor, or someone I considered myself a disciple of. I found that these men opened my eyes a little bit as to what a REAL man looks like internally.
I'm not so much talking about Gender roles (as in if he knows how to work an automatic drill or something)- but as a man, what it means to be a GODLY man.
And, what would mean to trust and willingly follow one.
One thing I noticed about these Godly men, was that they were submissive towards God.
If they were faced with a delimma (or opportunity, or decision, or....), they went to God first, and maybe would get on their knees, patiently listen, or in their own way...seek counsel from God and others. A man getting on his knees and bowing actually (when we're speaking of spiritual posture) seems like a submissive position. I remember reading that "the custom of kneeling and bowing one's head in prayer is strengthened by the imagery of a person approaching a king to make a request. When doing this in prayer, the subject puts himself at the mercy of the King by exposing his neck, an act which shows his complete vulnerability to the Sovereign's power" (taken from Doug Pagitt)...
And so I was realizing that men I truly respect are truly after God's agenda, and not their own.
They are men who trust God, even when things are NOT making sense right at the moment.
They are men who are even willing to seek advice and counsel of an older (or maybe even younger) and wiser (or maybe more experienced) Godly man...even if it means being submissive to stop and listen, because they know they still have a lot to learn, and that they don't have all the answers.
They are men who seek out the wisdom of their wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters.
And so, then the next element of this is TRUST.
A real man trusts God with his life.
simple yet complicated...i know. but its true. its hard, but its true.
One of my friends explained something, that if he were to have confidence and trust in a Godly person, knowing that the person he were to follow was truly on a solid walk with Christ, he would be willing to follow that person off a cliff.
I know that "walking off a cliff" may sound a little suicidal...and I'm more than positive that he didn't mean it in that sense...but that under any circumstance, he is genuinely willing to FOLLOW a person who is truely with wisdom, maturity, and walking with the Lord.
I'm sure that Moses' wife thought he was insane at times...because that man did some pretty insane/awesome/Godly things. But, in the bible we don't see her telling him, "wait, no, you know what? this whole parting the Red Sea sounds pretty impossible...put that staff away..."
And so this is where being a woman comes in.
As I continued on my walk, I re-surfaced many conversations I've had about the word "submissive". I remember one of my christian friends tried to explain to me that submission is not a weakness. She was married, and did her best to explain, and I listened, but I still didn't get it then.
I've been to more weddings that I can count...and I've heard the whole "christ is the head of the church as a husband is the... (you know the rest.)
I still didn't get it.
I didn't want to.
I didn't want to be that little christian-passive-"wifey" type that I stereotyped and complied in the back of my own mind.
I even remember in past relationships, seeking freedom internally and independently, making sure that i could stay a free-spirited woman...and at times I still felt like a caged bird wanting to fly away. So thats when I called ALL the shots.
I didn't want to be lead.
I didn't have a problem with committment...but...I just really didn't want to be told what to do or to really trust in another person that fully...and in a way, I was like my own little wild banshee.
I now realize, that a mature relationship isn't a matter of confinement, but in that Christ HE the one who sets US free, encourages US to live freely in HIM...and that in a healthy relationship (like one with Christ) there is more freedom than imaginable.
That in a true Christ-driven dynamic relationship, there isn't this complex about submission.
That I can still be a free-spirited woman...and still be who Christ designed me to be, but that doesn't mean not submitting.
It really shouldn't be an issue.
And so I honestly realized something.
I WANT to be LEAD by a Godly man.
And that submission is actually a STRENGTH and confidence in TRUSTing a man who truely seeks, trusts, and follows Christ with his life...and thats why it was designed for a relationship (that we call marriage).
For some reason...it's taken me 23 years for this little lightbulb to go on...which makes me think...what else will long walks and good conversations with friends bring up?...
Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Yesterday it hit me how free I am.
I'm not sold to anyone.
No one has a price tag on me.
No one can pay for me, call me theirs, and then re-sell me if I become stubborn or play my music too loud or if a better priced property comes along...
I'm not bought or sold.
I am free in Christ...
Free of spiritual chains, free of social or economical binds...even free to express myself in any shape or form.
Yesterday I had the freedom to enjoy whatever music I wanted, whether it was a really obnoxious song by Bloc Party (oh bloc party. love it.), or something as calming as Madeleine Peyroux.
Yesterday, I was able to fix chicken. Thats right. No dietary restrictions for me.
Last week, a small group of us went to a local pub. Amidst the conversation of religion, politics, and good beer...I was thankful to sit among men and women (unlike some cultures where you can't mix sexes...in addition to consume something like beer at the same table)...and discuss concepts that would leave other people imprisoned in other countries (if openly expressed). We had freedom to laugh and to truly enjoy the time we all had together.
In connection to this...I think freedom brings about choices. I have the FREEDOM to choose to ignore the waiter/waitress at this pub...or I can choose to show him/her Christs love through my actions and words and look the person in the eye (unlike some people in this fast-paced life in this fast-paced city).
I can either sit here, and feel a bit lazy, or I can get up and call my grandpa, see how he's doing, and ask him about his top five books (and I will) and let him know that I'm thinking of him.
This freedom to live and take action is something that God has given us...
Even this second.
I think sometimes we forget about this freedom...and when we do, sometimes we sit and feel sorry for ourselves.
Sometimes we think, "I don't have enough money...I don't have enough direction...I don't have a spouse...I don't have enough FREEDOM to do the things I really want to do (the list goes on.)
God places A LOT of freedom in our lives. Because of this, this opens the doors for action and choices.
Strangely enough though, right now I'm learning a lot about God's Sovereignty. I'm doing some reading/studying about it...and, if I'm honest this leaves me to be a bit confused. I'm pretty sure this is a good thing, because if something confuses me, I pretty much don't leave it alone. And, I trust God with all His Sovereignty...but I'm searching for a way to connect this thing called Sovereignty with the fact that He has given us a FREEDOM to live in Him and make choices...
I'm wondering....what does this Freedom really look like...
Monday, June 11, 2007
less time on my computer and more time for birds
less time on my computer and more time for home
less time on my computer and more time writing letters
less time on my computer and more time shrinking the gap
less time on my computer and more time calling friends
less time on my computer and more time asking for forgiveness
less time on my computer and more time praying
>thanks daley<
jami in lego-land
oh my goodness!!!
this is my next purchase:

"Put yourself in the frame for some great gum with our new gumball picture frame.
The picture frame bubblegum dispenser features an image of an antique gumball machine on the front of a silver colored frame. The background is a mirror effect which adds a third dimension to the "picture". Trapped between the layers is a space to fill with your favorite bubble gum balls!
Once mounted on a wall, it's easy and fun to use and dispenses gum balls with one turn of the knob!
Hang this frame in your home or office, and you'll be particularly popular letting friends or colleagues have a go."
holy holy crap! :)

"Put yourself in the frame for some great gum with our new gumball picture frame.
The picture frame bubblegum dispenser features an image of an antique gumball machine on the front of a silver colored frame. The background is a mirror effect which adds a third dimension to the "picture". Trapped between the layers is a space to fill with your favorite bubble gum balls!
Once mounted on a wall, it's easy and fun to use and dispenses gum balls with one turn of the knob!
Hang this frame in your home or office, and you'll be particularly popular letting friends or colleagues have a go."
holy holy crap! :)
Friday, June 08, 2007
sheeeeee's baaaaaack!
well, Paris (kicking and screaming) was sent back to jail today to serve the rest of her 45-day DUI sentence. According to MSN, Paris was a little less than thrilled while screaming "it's not right"!!!
The long arm of the law has embraced our dear friend Paris!
The long arm of the law has embraced our dear friend Paris!

with karate i'll kick your ass.....
Thursday, June 07, 2007
suggestions for your netflix queue
looking for something interesting, shocking or thought-provoking to watch? from "digg", i came across this exhaustive list of the most controversial films of all time.
there’s the usual suspects (Caligula, Salo: the 120 Days of Sodom, Cannibal Holocaust, I Spit on Your Grave, The Last House on the Left), the blockbusters (Birth of a Nation, Basic Instinct, The Exorcist, Fahrenheit 9/11), the masterpieces (Citizen Kane, A Clockwork Orange) and the foreign arthouse smut (I Am Curious (Yellow), In the Realm of the Senses, Last Tango in Paris, Romance).
there’s the usual suspects (Caligula, Salo: the 120 Days of Sodom, Cannibal Holocaust, I Spit on Your Grave, The Last House on the Left), the blockbusters (Birth of a Nation, Basic Instinct, The Exorcist, Fahrenheit 9/11), the masterpieces (Citizen Kane, A Clockwork Orange) and the foreign arthouse smut (I Am Curious (Yellow), In the Realm of the Senses, Last Tango in Paris, Romance).
my life is a john mayer album...
you know that part of your brain that hears a song and you are instantly swept away to a feeling or a memory? that happens to me more often than not when i listen to music. sometimes, i play a cd or a song just so i can have this very experience. when i'm feeling nostalgic or sappy, or sometimes when i want to cry....all it takes is hitting that "play" button.
i've recently realized that my life is a john mayer album.
there is something or someone to me in every song on "room for squares". more recently...my life has personified itself in "st. patricks day"....ironically my favorite john mayer song (even before my life took all these crazy turns)
it's only appropriate that i put the lyrics here now:
Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue
Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee
No way November
will see our goodbye
When it comes to December
it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
In the dark,
on the phone
You tell me the names
of your brothers
And your favorite colors
I'm learning you
And when it snows again
We'll take a walk outside
And search the sky
Like children do
No way November
will see our goodbye
When it comes to December
it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
And come January
we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions
a hundred times
won't you be my valentine?
And we'll both be safe
'til St. Patrrick's Day
We should take a ride
tonight around the town
and look around at
all the beautiful houses
something in the way that
blue lights on a black night
can make you feel more
everybody, it seems to me,
just wants to be
just like you and me
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
Come January
we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions
a hundred times
won't you be my valentine?
And if our always
is all that we gave
And we someday take that away
I'll be alright
if it was just
'til St. Patrick's Day
i've recently realized that my life is a john mayer album.
there is something or someone to me in every song on "room for squares". more recently...my life has personified itself in "st. patricks day"....ironically my favorite john mayer song (even before my life took all these crazy turns)
it's only appropriate that i put the lyrics here now:
Here comes the cold
Break out the winter clothes
And find a love to call your own
You - enter you
Your cheeks a shade of pink
And the rest of you in powder blue
Who knows what will be
But I'll make you this guarantee
No way November
will see our goodbye
When it comes to December
it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
In the dark,
on the phone
You tell me the names
of your brothers
And your favorite colors
I'm learning you
And when it snows again
We'll take a walk outside
And search the sky
Like children do
No way November
will see our goodbye
When it comes to December
it's obvious why
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
And come January
we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions
a hundred times
won't you be my valentine?
And we'll both be safe
'til St. Patrrick's Day
We should take a ride
tonight around the town
and look around at
all the beautiful houses
something in the way that
blue lights on a black night
can make you feel more
everybody, it seems to me,
just wants to be
just like you and me
No one wants to be alone
at Christmas time
Come January
we're frozen inside
Making new resolutions
a hundred times
won't you be my valentine?
And if our always
is all that we gave
And we someday take that away
I'll be alright
if it was just
'til St. Patrick's Day
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Now Announcing....my new CakeBlog!
Hey everyone!
I'm kicking off my new cake business, "Wild Honey Pie Bakery"!
Visit my new CakeBlog and check it out! :)
I'm kicking off my new cake business, "Wild Honey Pie Bakery"!
Visit my new CakeBlog and check it out! :)

Friday, June 01, 2007
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