A few months ago there was a hubbub brewing on a message board community in which I happen to be a member, about an album that was about to be released at the time (I blame one man for this entirely). That album was Volume One by She & Him or as you may know a bit better as Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward. I was a bit weary of checking out this album at first, mostly because I’m trying to kick this music addiction of mine. You would not believe the money I spend on music and relating paraphernalia.
After Diana's strong recommendation, I sampled a couple of the tracks on I-tunes (the most evil invention that I can’t live with out) and I felt She & Him warranted a full listen. After a couple quick clicks I had the album in hand, via I-pod, and I hit play. My ears danced!
The first thing that hit me was Zooey’s voice. I was in love with it, well even more so then before I heard this album. Zooey’s voice through out this album has a nice range and is quite versatile; so effortless. She switches from a Jazz vocal to a semi classic country western sound, and her voice always has this playful vitality to it that I don’t think I’ve ever heard before. This album would is worth it just to hear her voice.
The other part of M. Ward should get some praise here too. The man knows what he’s doing, he knows who the star is and does everything in his power to enhance and accompany Zooey’s vocals. Just one listen through of this album just shows the M. Ward is brilliant.
I really can’t find much wrong with this album other then it’s not enough. I desperately want a Volume Two to be released. I’m glad that I decided to listen and pick up this album. It has brought such a joy, a relief that music of this caliber is still being produced. If you are a fan of strong female vocals or just a fan of music you should pick up copy of this album or at the least check it out.
She & Him-Volume One
Five points out of Five – Must Buy
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