My resolution for this new year was to live a little more simply: not buy as much crap as I usually do (from Target), not give in to the urge to have all the latest of coolness, get rid of my credit card debt, not fill my brain with celebrity gossip (sick, sickedy, sickness), not eat as many pre-packaged foods, spend more time with the family, read more, walk more, sing more, enjoy life more simply.
Simplicity all of my own doing--until I was hit with the reality that December was a 5-week month and that the money that I would have used to spend on my bills at the beginning of this month was used to actually pay for Christmas (I was avoiding credit cards the last two weeks of December...part of my "simplicity" plan, which is actually a "get off the visa" plan). SO I have had no extra money at all, other than that needed to buy gas and groceries. So it's not so much fun any more that I'm actually broke. But it is indeed, I think, my own fault. I know it is my own fault.
Making this transition from semi-broke to living with less is hard. But I think that downgrading has allowed me to see how much I really don't have and how much I depended on charging for things.
So what are we doing this weekend? Using our Blockbuster "get one free" coupon, making pizza at home, singing, playing cards, putting away the crap on the floor in my room (such a cheap option for entertainment), and dreaming of next Friday: payday...and Wendy's fries.
"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
plain or fancy?
Monday, January 15, 2007
Maybe you wonder what kind of neighborhood I live in. For the sake of conversation, let's say you do, cause I have to have a reason to blog about my neighbors. Anyway, I live in a regular ol' neighborhood. It is not ritzy, it is not run-down. It is not trendy at all. The houses aren't interesting architecturally, or quaint, or even old. It is a regular old subdivision that was built in the early 90's. And it looks like it was built in the early 90's. The neighborhood IS pretty quiet, though, and all the neighbors keep to themselves.
When I say "keep to themselves", what I mean is they "pretend they can't see me." I don't mind though, I don't like making small talk.
People don't move around too often, like the neighbors did when I lived in Tempe. Since I've been here, only two houses have changed owners. One neighbor who lived down the street moved, and the cats who lived right next door to me moved.
The people next door weren't problematic at all. If anything, I think that we were the crazy neighbors in the equation.
Before the neighbor and his family moved, they had a yard sale. At this yard sale, they had their pet bird tagged and put on the table.
Now, a different couple and their dog moved in. I don't really talk to them, either, but I was quite happy that they had a little yappy dog. Not because I love hearing dogs bark, but because if their dog is out there barking, they will never give me a hard time about my dog being out there barking. It is a lot better than the previous neighbors who didn't complain, but did let their daughter scream and throw sticks at and feed rocks to my dogs (in addition to SELLING THEIR PET AT A YARD SALE. What in the heck.)
There is another dude, who lives a few houses down, that is constantly standing out in the street. We don't get a lot of through traffic, so he's not endangering his life or anything, but it is strange that he is always out there. Sometimes when I drive by, he will be standing out in the middle of the street, talking to someone else who is just standing in the middle of the street. I thought chilling out was what yards and porches were for, but apparently I was wrong. In my neighborhood, the chilling out happens in the road.
Not that he is just standing out there being a lazy bum. No, this dude is industrious. He spends all his time in the street, but when he is out there, he keeps the stuff clean. He picks up every little piece of leaves, gravel, litter (not that there is any litter ever, since he is on the lookout). I think he sweeps up and down it everyday. If there is a storm, and branches fall, he will pick up every little speck of bark.
Whenever I see him, he is either holding one of these in his hand, or I can see it laying in his yard with his other obsessive street cleaning tools, waiting to get picked back up:

He has the yellow one, in case you are curious. You can get a case of 72 of them for 94 cents each. I like to think he has a case of them in the garage.
When I say "keep to themselves", what I mean is they "pretend they can't see me." I don't mind though, I don't like making small talk.
People don't move around too often, like the neighbors did when I lived in Tempe. Since I've been here, only two houses have changed owners. One neighbor who lived down the street moved, and the cats who lived right next door to me moved.
The people next door weren't problematic at all. If anything, I think that we were the crazy neighbors in the equation.
Before the neighbor and his family moved, they had a yard sale. At this yard sale, they had their pet bird tagged and put on the table.
Now, a different couple and their dog moved in. I don't really talk to them, either, but I was quite happy that they had a little yappy dog. Not because I love hearing dogs bark, but because if their dog is out there barking, they will never give me a hard time about my dog being out there barking. It is a lot better than the previous neighbors who didn't complain, but did let their daughter scream and throw sticks at and feed rocks to my dogs (in addition to SELLING THEIR PET AT A YARD SALE. What in the heck.)
There is another dude, who lives a few houses down, that is constantly standing out in the street. We don't get a lot of through traffic, so he's not endangering his life or anything, but it is strange that he is always out there. Sometimes when I drive by, he will be standing out in the middle of the street, talking to someone else who is just standing in the middle of the street. I thought chilling out was what yards and porches were for, but apparently I was wrong. In my neighborhood, the chilling out happens in the road.
Not that he is just standing out there being a lazy bum. No, this dude is industrious. He spends all his time in the street, but when he is out there, he keeps the stuff clean. He picks up every little piece of leaves, gravel, litter (not that there is any litter ever, since he is on the lookout). I think he sweeps up and down it everyday. If there is a storm, and branches fall, he will pick up every little speck of bark.
Whenever I see him, he is either holding one of these in his hand, or I can see it laying in his yard with his other obsessive street cleaning tools, waiting to get picked back up:

He has the yellow one, in case you are curious. You can get a case of 72 of them for 94 cents each. I like to think he has a case of them in the garage.
Do It Anyway.
Do It Anyway!
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build it anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa
People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered; Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build it anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; It was never between you and them anyway.
-Mother Teresa
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Existential Views
If anyone would like to know how I feel about "Existential Christianity", read the section about Kierkegaard. (page 3)
Uni is getting busy, here is an article from 'Spirtual life' on existentialism and Christian existentialism. I find it a very insightful and readable article:
Philosophy of Despair.. and hope.
Uni is getting busy, here is an article from 'Spirtual life' on existentialism and Christian existentialism. I find it a very insightful and readable article:
Philosophy of Despair.. and hope.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Poor in Spirit
Did you know that they (they=the Mint) are making coins with woman on them?
Me either!
But I learned that today when I was at lunch. Because the guy sitting at the bar loudly exclaimed, "CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY'RE PUTTING WOMEN ON COINS? WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?"
Anyway, there's nothing like good chauvinism to get my rage going. Also, hi, sir? Have you heard of the Susan B. Anthony Dollar? Also, Mint, why do the ladies only get to be on the collector's item coins? Why not the actual circulating money? Hmph.
Me either!
But I learned that today when I was at lunch. Because the guy sitting at the bar loudly exclaimed, "CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY'RE PUTTING WOMEN ON COINS? WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?"
Anyway, there's nothing like good chauvinism to get my rage going. Also, hi, sir? Have you heard of the Susan B. Anthony Dollar? Also, Mint, why do the ladies only get to be on the collector's item coins? Why not the actual circulating money? Hmph.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Thursday, January 04, 2007
When I meditated on the word Guidance, I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word. I remember reading that doing God's will is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully. The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other. My eyes drew back to the word Guidance. When I saw "G" I thought of God, followed by "u" and "i". "God, you, and I dance."
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life.
Once again, I became willing to let God lead.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Salvation formula: By grace.Through faith. Plus nothing.
“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works,lest anyone should boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9 NJKV)
Take a second and make a mental note of what you did to be saved. Okay. Keep that thought in your mind. Now make a mental note of all you are doing to keep your salvation. Do you have the list?
I hope thinking that through didn’t cause you to run for paper and pencil to jot notes down so you wouldn’t forget what’s on your list. There is only one way to get saved. By accepting the grace of God.
We humans are awfully egocentric. We keep trying to make the Christian walk about us instead of Jesus. We come up with sets of rules that insure our salvation. Or we have a pet theology that guarantees we’ll make it into an eternity with Jesus.
There are Christians who doubt another’s salvation if that person doesn’t belong to their particular brand of Christianity. I’ve even heard people’s salvation put into question because of how they dress, worship, or run their family. Or, we think “doing” Christianity helps us get brownie points with God. Have devotions. Help in the nursery. Bake for potluck. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
This mindset keeps us in a cycle of pride and guilt. Pride when we “do” Christianity well. Guilt when we blow it. Desiring righteous living and doing acts of service should be a natural outgrowth of our love for God. But they don’t make us holy. They don’t put us on a list in heaven of the“good” people.
Remember who impressed Jesus? Not the ones doing righteous acts, but the man who smote his chest and said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”
Scripture is clear. We are saved by the merciful act of redemption by our Loving God. He sent His beloved Son to earth and allowed Him to die to purchase us for Himself.
That is grace.
How are you saved?
As the old saying goes, “By grace.Through faith. Plus nothing.”
Take a second and make a mental note of what you did to be saved. Okay. Keep that thought in your mind. Now make a mental note of all you are doing to keep your salvation. Do you have the list?
I hope thinking that through didn’t cause you to run for paper and pencil to jot notes down so you wouldn’t forget what’s on your list. There is only one way to get saved. By accepting the grace of God.
We humans are awfully egocentric. We keep trying to make the Christian walk about us instead of Jesus. We come up with sets of rules that insure our salvation. Or we have a pet theology that guarantees we’ll make it into an eternity with Jesus.
There are Christians who doubt another’s salvation if that person doesn’t belong to their particular brand of Christianity. I’ve even heard people’s salvation put into question because of how they dress, worship, or run their family. Or, we think “doing” Christianity helps us get brownie points with God. Have devotions. Help in the nursery. Bake for potluck. Volunteer at a soup kitchen.
This mindset keeps us in a cycle of pride and guilt. Pride when we “do” Christianity well. Guilt when we blow it. Desiring righteous living and doing acts of service should be a natural outgrowth of our love for God. But they don’t make us holy. They don’t put us on a list in heaven of the“good” people.
Remember who impressed Jesus? Not the ones doing righteous acts, but the man who smote his chest and said, “God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”
Scripture is clear. We are saved by the merciful act of redemption by our Loving God. He sent His beloved Son to earth and allowed Him to die to purchase us for Himself.
That is grace.
How are you saved?
As the old saying goes, “By grace.Through faith. Plus nothing.”
busy morning at work
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
email from an old friend
sometimes it takes an old friend to give you some perspective and repeat what you've just said to let you hear it back.
i've recently had one of those. (p.s.-i sound like a nut case)
2007...i'm ready for some new and exciting changes. God bless friends.
"There's nothing sad about mediocrity. Especially since you're still in an adjustment period. Don't get too ahead of yourself, or the foundation will crack. You can't force life too much.
Why are you trying so hard to start over with your friendships? The old ones must be pretty bad to feel like you have to start completely over. I wonder, how many times have you started over? You create your life like a painter creating a landscape, but there are too many things that will forever be out of your control. The colors don't always come out like you imagined. You can force yourself on a creation, but not on life. Still, best of luck. You don't sound too happy.
You are going to do some soul searching? There's never anything wrong with that. Take your time with it though. The soul is a tricky thing. Right when you think you have it cornered, right when you think you have it in your sights, that's when that sneaky little thing slips away again.
Who's questioning your identity? Yourself, or someone else? God Jami, what a beautiful day it will be for you when someone questions your identity, and you can look them straight in the eye and answer them without blinking, "This is who I am." But it'll always just be a snapshot, a still life photo, because identity is always changing, just like everything else, especially at our age. Speaking of which, welcome to that ripe old age of twenty-three. Hope it's good for you.
You are remembering how hard and sucky dating is. I remember you saying a few times that you would be glad when you don’t have to date anymore. You don’t want to deal with the awkwardness and stress. I'm sorry. It isn't that fun, I know. Here's what I do, just have a good time. For yourself. Enjoy a meal, a movie, and activity for the sole purpose of enjoying yourself. Forget about the other person, trying to impress them, trying to sell yourself or not seem foolish. Just be who you are and enjoy it in the world of your own mind. The rest can come along naturally. If it's not working with someone, then move on. It's a luxury you have now, and you should take full advantage of it.
Jeez, you crack me up. Cuz then you go on to say that "all in all, things are good" with three exclamation points nonetheless. Christmas was disappointing, you're stressed about starting school, you're sad that life is mediocre, you feel the need to do some soul searching, dating is hard, and to top it all off MUSIC has taken a BACKBURNER???!! I don't get it. Are you being straight up with me?"
God bless friends.
i've recently had one of those. (p.s.-i sound like a nut case)
2007...i'm ready for some new and exciting changes. God bless friends.
"There's nothing sad about mediocrity. Especially since you're still in an adjustment period. Don't get too ahead of yourself, or the foundation will crack. You can't force life too much.
Why are you trying so hard to start over with your friendships? The old ones must be pretty bad to feel like you have to start completely over. I wonder, how many times have you started over? You create your life like a painter creating a landscape, but there are too many things that will forever be out of your control. The colors don't always come out like you imagined. You can force yourself on a creation, but not on life. Still, best of luck. You don't sound too happy.
You are going to do some soul searching? There's never anything wrong with that. Take your time with it though. The soul is a tricky thing. Right when you think you have it cornered, right when you think you have it in your sights, that's when that sneaky little thing slips away again.
Who's questioning your identity? Yourself, or someone else? God Jami, what a beautiful day it will be for you when someone questions your identity, and you can look them straight in the eye and answer them without blinking, "This is who I am." But it'll always just be a snapshot, a still life photo, because identity is always changing, just like everything else, especially at our age. Speaking of which, welcome to that ripe old age of twenty-three. Hope it's good for you.
You are remembering how hard and sucky dating is. I remember you saying a few times that you would be glad when you don’t have to date anymore. You don’t want to deal with the awkwardness and stress. I'm sorry. It isn't that fun, I know. Here's what I do, just have a good time. For yourself. Enjoy a meal, a movie, and activity for the sole purpose of enjoying yourself. Forget about the other person, trying to impress them, trying to sell yourself or not seem foolish. Just be who you are and enjoy it in the world of your own mind. The rest can come along naturally. If it's not working with someone, then move on. It's a luxury you have now, and you should take full advantage of it.
Jeez, you crack me up. Cuz then you go on to say that "all in all, things are good" with three exclamation points nonetheless. Christmas was disappointing, you're stressed about starting school, you're sad that life is mediocre, you feel the need to do some soul searching, dating is hard, and to top it all off MUSIC has taken a BACKBURNER???!! I don't get it. Are you being straight up with me?"
God bless friends.
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