"The soul of God is poured into the world through the thoughts of men." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, March 06, 2008

becoming a christian...

Robin Russell at the UM Portal describes an article from the Baptist Standard,
explaining step-by-step instructions on how to become a Christian. After listing them, she asks,

And I wondered if a United Methodist were asked, "How do I become a Christian?" what would be the response?

A colleague here in the newsroom only half-jokingly commented: "Perhaps that's why we have problems with evangelism."

Any fresh responses out there beyond: "Um, come to church with me?"


Part of the difficulty, I think, is in the question itself. I'm reminded of the old joke, where a visitor to New York asks a local, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?" The local, who happens to be a professional musician, replies, "Practice, practice, practice."

Christianity is not like building a bookshelf from a kit. You can't just follow a short set of step-by-step instructions -- Insert tab A "grace" into slot B "guilt," and you're done! No, Christianity is a transformation of the whole self, a journey that lasts a lifetime (and beyond).

And the roads that lead us there may be different for different people. For myself, it was a sense of loneliness, not the "lostness" the Baptist Standard requires, that paved the way for me to first experience God. And it was a mystical experience, not an intellectual understanding about Jesus' sacrifice, that started me along the journey.

I find the journey metaphor helpful in another way, too: If you're giving someone directions to get to your house, the first step is to find their starting point. "Go south on I-35 to the 119th Street exit," might get some people started on the right road, but it is likely to get other people completely lost.

Likewise, "How do I become a Christian?" is a highly subjective question. How they will get there is going to depend largely on where they are right now.

When the rich young ruler asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life, Jesus answered, "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." To the thief on the cross, Jesus simply said, "Truly I say to you, today you shall be with Me in Paradise."

So how do we answer someone who asks, "How do I become a Christian?" First, we get to know them, understand who they are and where they are. It is only as we build relationships with people that we can help them answer that question. Otherwise, we may unintentionally lead them away from where they need to go.


Craig Chamberlin said...

Excellent Post. It is amazing that many can perceive the road to salvation on a prescriptive level. "Here, take two of Jesus and call me in the morning." The path to Christ is a very personal one, and bringing someone to close to Christ is through the establishment of a relationship with that person and by relating how Christ can work with them in their own lives.

Christ did thie himself with his own disciples. They spent alot of time with him as he established who he was and opened their hearts and minds to him. It was through this relationship that they came to know him for who he was. Each one had a different personal relationship with Christ, so only the same can be expected of anyone else who finds him.

I just recently started a blog of my own and have been surfing around looking at other Christians who are writing. I'd like it if you took a look at mine, you might find it interesting:

Keep it up, I enjoyed the post.

Mark Thomas said...

Great post.

Now get me on your blogroll!


1or2thoughts said...

The only thing I would add to your post and Craig's comment would be: first know Christ. I am not sure the rest of the journey can even begin without first knowing Christ as savior.